No excuses for not having a unique Facebook page!

Most companies are on Facebook and they all started to use FBML (Facebook Markup Language) in order to make their page more eye catchy, appealing and unique. You can do this too, let’s see how. This is very easy and everyone can do it. 

The first step is to download the FBML application (check the tutorial here).

Below is a screen-shot of the Oman Collective Intelligence welcome page which displays a picture, page info, a video and external links (the welcome tab is where all first time visitors will land so that they get an idea of what the page is about):

And these are the codes I used:



And it is really as simple as that; all you need is a little time and patience.  I can provide you with all the individual codes needed, whether you want to add a video, make a word in bold,  background,  or instead you can google them and will find them elsewhere. You have two ways of getting a cool page; you either pay or follow this easy tutorial.

Give it a try let me know what you come up with and if you have any questions you know where to find me.

If you missed the first part of this post please click here.

UPDATE: As of March 11 2011 you will not be able to add the Static FBML any longer. For page customisation you will require iFrames.


  1. Nice! Great to have the step-by-step guide.

  2. lol - so how come you didnt include your own FaceBook page with all the other companies - or did I miss it ?! yes I (now) know it on your top right - but for a dozo like me it helps to have a push towards the obvious :)

  3. Thanks Anon, and if you need any further help let me know.

    Ynotoman; you did not miss it, i just thought there's no point publicising my own page on my own blog...:)

  4. There is people/companies selling the same codes online. On one site prices start from $75, you should do it too...and perhaps give me a commission?;)

  5. Hi aalryiami; yes, I'm aware some people are selling the codes, do you want to buy some from me?...;) I'm here to help if someone needs and i think is fair to share the little i know with the readers of the blog. Sometimes I'm also given tips and advice so as long as we all share our knowledge everyone is happy.

  6. Thanks for the great post! Its posts like yours and the fan page factory ( ?) that give me the ability to keep up with all things social media. Such a great, but ever changing and therefore hard topic to keep up with!

    Thanks again and keep up the good useful work!



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