Facebook stats for Oman

I just came across some interesting Facebook statistics related to Oman. As of today in the Sultanate there are 156,200 Facebook active users; 103,480 users (68%) are male and 49,120 (32%) are female.
The more interesting statistics for me is that the penetration of Facebook in Oman to the overall population is 5.61 % while the penetration to online population: 33.59 %. So basically 1 out of 3 people who uses internet in Oman has an active Facebook account.

From the beginning of 2010 the number of users rose by about 30%, making Oman the 105th country in the world in terms of users, however from May 15th to-date the increase was minimal, 2,5% only. Maybe everyone is on leave? Or FB is not attracting many people anymore?

Let's see how these users are distributed in terms of age:

13-15          6%
16-17          6%
18-24        30%
25-34        37%

35-44        14%
45-54         5%
55-64         2%
65+            1%

If you have a business and your target segment is 18 to 34, or within that range, then FB is definitely one of the channels to use.

Let’s see now our neighboring countries:
  1. Saudi Arabia; 2,385,740 users (35th in the world)
  2. UAE; 1,667,560 (44th)
  3. Kuwait; 518,540 (78th)
  4. Qatar; 405,100 (82nd)
  5. Bahrain; 232,960 (92nd)
  6. Yemen; 107,520 (112th)
On a global level here are the top five countries in terms of users:
  1. United States    125,043,460
  2. Indonesia           26,157,520
  3. UK                    25,756,640
  4. Turkey               21,524,920
  5. France               18,506,860
And here the bottom five:
  1. Sierra Leone; 7,800 users 
  2. Republic of Congo; 7,340
  3. San Marino; 6860
  4. Mayotte; 6780 
  5. Anguilla; 6420
Let me know what you think and if you have any question; these stats are available for nearly every country.

Source: Facebakers.com


  1. Hi, that stats is what I discover on Facebook, too: when I tell some of my acquaintances or friends, that I'm on Facebook, they - being no longer in the group of the twenty-oners - shake their heads and warn me (nice, but unnecessary - I'm grown-up, too). So I have a lot of students as "friends", get very interesting insights in newest trends in popculture, have absolutely lovely chats - without warnings :-) - in short: I love it. Britta

  2. Yeah, maybe there isn't many interested in Facebook. I don't like FB to be honest. I use it just because I have to.

  3. Hi Britta, I'm not a big FB fan but i have to admit that it just cannot be ignored being so huge everywhere. Personally, i use it for several reasons but they are all business related. Some people are really hooked...and it sounds like you're one of them...;)

    Hey Princess, i think the interest is there. We need to take into consideration that Oman has a small population and internet penetration is not as good as many other countries. I believe that also here it will grow even further as technology improves. I'm glad you also follow O.C.I. on FB though...:)

  4. I would say there is a logic explanation for this. If people use facebook a lot for business and they do business with foreign countries, they will slow down in the holiday season, a lot of business are closed or on low activities. I think figures will increase again after the holidays.

  5. I honestly thought in Oman we had many more people on facebook, bit surprising. Do you know how many people there are on Twitter in Oman?

  6. Me encanta tu blog! te sigo :D

  7. Domino; i agree with you, you might be right as in certain countries people tend to leave and businesses tend to close or slow down. Oman is certainly the case.

    Anon; Oman has a small population and internet just managed to reach all areas of the countries. From that point of view we're still a little behind compared to other countries but catching up fast. There will be an increase in numbers of users in the years to come. About Twitter in Oman I'm still trying to find out however i think the number is very low, probably less than 2000 people. When i find out I'll let you know, just keep checking the blog.

    Hola Perlica, muchas gracias por seguirme. Cualquier cosa quieres saber tienes solamente que preguntar. Un abrazo.


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