The Coca Cola wave

It's the day of the final, so why not having a football related topic, this is a good one! Another genius idea, this time from Coca Cola. This dynamic billboard was set up a month before the beginning of the World Cup and as of today it has been clearly noticed by more than a million passerby, who not only noticed it but seemed to enjoyed it too.

Very simple but still very creative.

Coca Cola was actually behind the first ever real human wave (called "ola" in Spanish) which took place in 1986 during the World Cup in Mexico, have a look at the ad.

Hats off to Coca Cola for creating something fun which people still do these days in every stadium in the world!


  1. Hi, I'm glad you're on my blog now! I didn't know that the La Ola was an invention of Coca Cola (will test my husband - he is the only professor for Popular Culture in Germany) Germany is happy that they won the 3. place - and I think it's quite well, because so they don't become conceited :-)

  2. Hi Britta, nice blogs but i don't know where you find the time to blog is enough for me! Germany always gets in the top 4, this cup they did very well and play some awesome football.

  3. Wow! This was a good read. Thank you for the interesting info!

  4. Hey Anne, good to see you here!...:)Football related posts always grab good attention, with the world cup over (well done to Spain) i think everyone will need a break from football.

  5. Nice, i didn't know coca-cola invented the wave. And very cool board.

  6. We are the champiooooooonnnsssssssss........!!!!!!!!!!Vamos Espana!!!!
    I told you we were going to win!!!

  7. Olá amiga! Passando para te cumprimentar e dizer que aprecio muito a arte da propaganda. É um campo que requer muita inteligência.

    Teu espaço continua muito bonito e aconchegante.

    Abraços e ótima semana pra ti e para os teus.


  8. Dear Maurizio - I quoted your "Stats" device on my blog - after fumbling it into the settings - and had some strange adventures with the Internet (as you can see in 'You are witty and pretty'). You are right: 4 blogs are to many - I will cut them down to two - although even that might be too much. Britta

  9. Gracias por pasar a visitar mi bloog, tu bloog me ha parecido muy interesante e informativo. te visitare con frecuencia.

  10. Hola Atlantida, gracias por la visita y espero verte nuevamente muy pronto...:)


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