How do you handle negative comments?

Social media is beautiful as usually fans, followers or "likers" post nice and gratifying comments; but what about when we find a nasty comment? How do we reply to those? 
If you have a personal blog or Facebook profile i guess that would not be a problem as you could easily reply depending on your mood, but if you're managing a corporate blog, or your company Facebook page or Twitter then it all becomes a little more complex.

We have seen several cases (Nestle, Dell, Omantel, Nawras, Gap, etc.) where companies cannot handle negative comments or feedback and the person representing them simply loses it making things even worse. What do you do when you find someone that regularly tries to damage your image or reputation?

This below is a easy to follow chart which works in most cases.

As a last option you can always get in touch with the person by sending a message. What you should not do ever is to delete comments unless they are offensive to other fans or generally inappropriate.


  1. Everything in life should be in flow cart form.

  2. delete them if i receive one in my personal blog. weee

  3. It looks like a fun thing to fight comments with comments. If theirs are inappropriate, yours should be gross. If theirs are harsh you could give 'em cruel ones. (Yeah, I know, it's kinda immature.)

  4. Nice post thanks for share it and good luck

  5. punching the monitor always works for me

  6. I'll keep that around for my next Obama post.

    P.S. Captcha is on.

  7. Thanks everyone. Sucio, do you mean you're still having probs with the captcha?

  8. I handle them okay, if they are not useful in any way for me to improve i just ignore them :)

    Nice post and blog, following ;)


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