Social media slowly killing print media

For many years, when we wanted information on any subject, the best way was to get our favourite newspaper or magazine.

With the invention of television, computers, then Internet and social networking sites, iPhones and iPads, the sources available to people are near limitless. Information is now available at the flick of a switch or the click of a mouse and therefore no longer limited to a daily, weekly or even monthly print or broadcast publication.

Personally, when there’s something important, like news, I go to a newspaper website. Then I would go to Facebook and Twitter to find out that the same info is already there, being shared and commented by several thousand, if not millions, people.

Social networks have become more than just a place to chat and keep up with friends and relatives. 
Companies, music artists, actors and footballers and even some governments now generally use some form of Facebook, Twitter or other social media platform.

The one-sided information is now dead. Social media is democratizing communications...big time! Technology is shifting the power away from the editors, the publishers, the establishment, and the media elite. 

Now the people are in control.

So what’s the future of the print industry? Reports are saying that it is in decline, will it die soon?


  1. I just went to Borders Books going out of business sale today....R.I.P print media.

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