60 seconds on Facebook

Sixty seconds is longer than we think.

For instance in just one minute 2,137 pounds of popcorn will be eaten, 954 camera phones will be sold, and 750,000 gallons of water will tumble over Niagara Falls.

According to Time Magazine this is what happens every 60 seconds on Facebook...



  1. That is a lot of comments per minute.

  2. that's a real eye opener. facebook is unstoppable.

  3. facebook is amazing
    have you seen the social network?

  4. For a while the video was just a blank screen which I thought was a really good commentary on what useful things happened in 60s on Facebook.

  5. damn, talk about world domination..."Facebook is now too big to fail"

  6. Facebook definitely seems to be unstoppable and it'll be a while before another network will take over.
    Smilingjack; i did not watch the movie and i heard different reviews, how was it?


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