Facebook to announce 500 million milestone soon

Facebook historically never hosted large celebrations but very soon the company will most definitely toast to the occasion predicted to take place at some point before the end of June. The announcement should be expected well before June 25th, when the company would surpass 500 million if growth was currently linear.

This is just amazing if you think that less than a year ago the number of users was “only” 250 millions. It is even more amazing if you think that the founder and owner, Mark Zuckerberg, in the first year of trading had to borrow $60,000 to keep the business alive (FIY now he is the youngest billionaire).

Personally I think that 500 million user numbers are probably on the conservative side because FB policy is to only count users who log on one or more times in each 30 day period. That’s right, in the past four weeks nearly half a billion active users have logged on Facebook. The most amazing stat however is that nearly 50% of them is on FB everyday!

So despite the ongoing media-fueled privacy backlash against Facebook and his owner over the past weeks, there is still much to celebrate.

It is forecasted that before the end of this year, the company should near the 600 million user mark and surpass $1 billion in revenue.

Not bad, is it?

Only another online application claims to be in the 500 million “league”, can you name it?


  1. Princess Glossy19 May 2010 at 19:29

    It has to be Google, right?
    What is this about a backlash against FB and its founder?

  2. Princess Glossy (very nice name!!) as you may know recently FB recently added the newsfeed feature which will widen private users' info so that FB can monetise from it, to say it in a few words.

    Some people, actually quite a lot, are saying that it is not fair and are asking to have the feature removed as it may cause social stress and emotional pain for FB users in real life(??!!).

    Something you may not know about the evil Mark Zuckerberg is that he owes your info. You don’t own your own information! You can’t export your data to back it up or to use it on another social network. If you leave, you lose your information. All comments and pictures you have on your wall they'll be gone the day you leave FB. See why people are upset?

    And no, it is not Google, that would have been too easy....;)

  3. Princess Glossy20 May 2010 at 08:30

    Thank you! I get a lot of comments on my name.

    I think it's fair enough that he owns my info...I'm posting it for free on his website, aren't I? :)

    But how will the widening of the info effect me?

    So if it's not Google...?

  4. Facebook is a great place to advertise. I am sure your ad will get tons of impression every month. And many internet bloggers are making use of social networks to reach out to their readers. Love it!

    Check out my blog:

  5. Hi
    Facebook is banned in Pakistan..heard about that?

  6. Princess, you think it is fair but some other people don't but that is part of the agreement we have with FB so if we don't like their rules we shouldn't use it. If you get spam, adverts, promotional stuff you know where it is coming from...;)

    Bloggitudes, yes, FB is a great place for advertising. Will check out your blog.

    Hi Umi, good to have you again. Didn't know FB is banned in Pakistan, but i'm not that surprised. Is it banned is any other country?

  7. Facebook has become a lot of crap!

  8. Sorry for the people of Pakistan to miss FB

  9. Pakistan’s government ordered Internet service providers to block Facebook amid anger over a page that encourages users to post images of Islam’s Prophet MuhammadThe government took action after a group of Islamic lawyers won a court order requiring officials to block Facebook until May 31.The Facebook page at the centre of the dispute — “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!” — encourages users to post images of the prophet on May 20 to protest threats made by a radical Muslim group against the creators of “South Park” for depicting Muhammad in a bear suit during an episode earlier this year.

  10. Princess Glossy23 May 2010 at 19:20

    I heard that it's been banned in Pakistan because some people there made an anti-Islamic group and it got the whole of FB banned...

  11. Update on Pakistan government blocking Facebook: The Facebook page that led the Pakistan government to ban the entire site was back online Saturday, at least for some users, after it was inaccessible for about two days.

    The page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Everybody-Draw-Mohammed-Day/121369914543425?v=wall#!) was removed Thursday after one of the moderators had his e-mail and Skype account hacked into, and his personal data revealed, according to a post on the page on Saturday. The moderator then got scared and deleted the page, a blog, and e-mails, according to the post.

    The page "Everybody draw Mohammed Day!" invites users to post caricatures of Prophet Mohammed, and this led a court in Pakistan to order the site to be blocked.

    I guess soon things will be back to normal.

  12. Princess Glossy23 May 2010 at 20:47

    Blimey. Is it not possible for a Page to be blocked without blocking the entire site of FB? Or did the Pakistan govt do this as a show of power? Would Omantel be able to block an offensive Page - I suppose not seeing as the Page above is still there...along with a lot of angry comments from both sides of the argument...

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