Earth Hour; lights off, action on

Technology is bringing people together, but is it also keeping them apart. It seems we interact more with mobile phone and other gadgets rather than our loved ones.

Reconnect whilst the lights are out (#TurnOffToTurnOn); this is the message Durex is sending out to couples who are spending too much time on the phone. A nice clip, watch it.


  1. This is just it...
    People are losing out on connecting with those around them and social apathy is also affected. They are more interested in the significance of the moment online then actual social interaction

    I feel a blog post coming on

  2. Technology is making communication faster, easier, and more convenient but our social skills are declining due to the fact that we can chat online without needing to communicate face to face. Personally, I drew a line and managed to find the right balance between virtual and real communication.


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