Facebook in Oman - Merge 104.8 Top of the Pops!

Success on Facebook is not how many fans you have; more important is their activity such as likes, comments and shares which fuel the virality and high rankings in news feeds.
Keeping your fans entertained is not easy task, especially when you have tens of thousands, if not more. It’s a bit like inviting friends over for dinner; cooking for two guests is easy while cooking for ten guests is quite a task. 
It also needs to be said that it is way easier to engage people if you sell cool gadgets rather than financial services so each industry differs a lot from another.

Having said that let’s have a look at the top 10 Facebook pages in Oman in terms of fans:
And here is again the same 10 but according per engagement. The engagement rate(%) is calculated by the average amount of likes, comments and shares per day divided by the number of fans (I don't agree much with this way of measuring engagement but it is the most commonly used, maybe i'll do a post dedicated to this).

A few differences there but clearly the table shows that a few pages are doing ok while the others seem to ignore, or not engage enough, their fans. Here, Merge 104.8 is the clear winner.

It seems the happy gang has the right content for all fans. On Facebook content is king (they say) so if you provide informative and valuable content both your fan base and engagement rate are likely to increase. It’s not rocket science and this I'm going to give is the winning formula:
planning+dedication+time+passion+some humour+cash=LOTS OF WORK!

Well done to our good friends Chris, Rummy, Neil, Sami, Sayeh (even if not there any longer) and the other Neil who does lots of great work behind the scenes.

Of course there are many other pages in Oman with higher engagement but out of the top 10 Merge 104.8 looks at everyone else from above and in the next few days i'll show you how they're doing it ;)


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