Where to spend your advertising budget

According to Nielsen 92% percent of consumers around the world say they trust earned media, such as word-of-mouth or recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising.
On a global level in the past two years confidence towards traditional media like TV, magazines and newspaper ads decreased respectively by 24%, 20% and 25%. Despite the decline though, the majority of advertising budgets are still spent on traditional or paid media, such as TV.
The growth in trust for online search and display ads over the past years has given marketers increased confidence in putting more of their ad dollars into online media where 70% of consumers rely on opinions and feedback posted  online by others and 58% trust messages found on company websites.
Emails and sponsorship are still widely used and recognised with 50% and 47% of preferences.
Using mobile devices with display and SMS ads don’t seem to work, they are both at the bottom with 33% and 29%.

In this part of the world, Middle East and Africa, consumers’ confidence goes towards ‘word of mouth’ (90%), ‘websites’ (71%), ‘online feedback’ (69%), ‘editorial content’ (67%) and ‘sponsorship’ (62%).

Also outdoor advertising and display/text ads on mobile phones surprisingly seem to be trusted with nearly 60% of preferences, while TV and radio advertising are down with respectively 52% and 50%.
You can view and download the full Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Survey here.


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