Top 10 tweets of all time

The first Tweet ever!

Twitter co-founder arrested during a protest in Manhalla, Egypt

The Morning after Election Day the new President tweeted at 11.34am

NASA telling the world about the discovery via Twitter

"There's a plane in the Hudson. I'm on the ferry going to pick up the people.Crazy."

Ashton Kutcher Vs CNN. Kutcher got to 1 million fans first!

NBC reporter asking US Air Force to allow a team from Doctors Without Borders to land in quake-stricken Haiti.

From space to cyberspace.

Library not only about books!

@SarahPalinUSA Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls repudiate.
(Sarah Palin making news for wrong reasons and deleted the tweet!!!)


  1. Didn't know they're tweeting from space! Amazing!

  2. I remember the Hudson crash, the pic was on Twitter before being on the news. This is the power of Twitter i guess.

  3. @Anon; I was also impressed by the tweet from space, didn't know it gets that far!
    @juanito; Twitter is now in 3rd place right after Facebook and YouTube but it is in N.1 when it comes to news. It has also become an integral component of marketing strategies for many top brands in the world.

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