Twitter, Re-Twit, Twitpic, Tweetdeck, Twitterholic, Twittbuzzer, Twitdom, Twittervision…WTF!? (part 1)

Has it gone too far? The number of applications created for Twitter, or in its support, is just amazing, and it keep rising every day, there is even Twitter Karma! Is there really a need for all this and do they really work?

Some of them are really good of course but i believe the majority are a lot of crap will die soon.

Here are some:

Twitpic: it is the most visited, with more than a million hits a month. It is a simple application that lets users share photos on Twitter.

Twitturly: it tracks and ranks what URLs people are talking about on Twitter.

Tweettronics: is a Twitter monitoring tool that will helps tracking brands presence on social media and gauge its mileage while giving the user the opportunity to engage with the audience and possibly finding potential clients/friends.

Twitter Karma: it is a simple application that lets you manage your follow list. It displays all the people you follow and lets you know if they are following you back.

Twitterholic: it scans the Twitter public timeline for new twits to tweet calculating individual statistics for each twittering twit in its database.

Tweetdeck: this application streamlines notifications and tweets.

Twitterstats: it helps to measure the twitter trends for particular keywords, that could be a brand or product. It shows how the buzz have been on twitter on a timeline.

Tweetvolume: is a Twitter analytics comparison tool that will let you compare the brand presence on Twitter.

Twitterrific: is an application that lets you both read and publish posts or "tweets" to the Twitter community website.

Grouptweet: it turns a standard Twitter account into a group communication hub where members can post updates to everyone in the group using direct messages.

There are about 100 more applications, like like twitter-blocks, tweeterboard, twerpscan, splitweet, twittergram, twittgroups, twitlinks, twitternotes, tweetwasters, twitterblacklist, twitku and many more. We will see them in the next few days.

If you know any please feel free to add them to the list.


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